Wednesday, 3 December 2014

GPAT-2015 - 'GUIDANCE AND TIPS SERIES' -- PHARMACEUTICS- The Heart of Pharmacy- Part- I

                                            PHARMACEUTICS- The Heart of Pharmacy-
                                                                        Part- I
Pharmaceutics is one subject that pharmacy students just cannot ignore. It is that subject which runs from the first year to final year of the Bachelors in Pharmacy. Since this subject being very vast we will try to cover the guidance, tips, books to recommend etc. in 2 parts.
This part will try to focus on some basic aspects or concepts which are applicable in almost all subjects in pharmacy and thus they act as the pillar on which our GPAT preparation will stand on. They include physical pharmacy, dispensing pharmacy and pharmaceutical engineering which are learnt in the first 2 years of the Bachelors course.
It has been observed that many questions are asked from PHYSICAL PHARMACY and PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING in the recent 2-3 years. On an average 15-20 questions are asked from these subjects out of total 125 questions thus accounting to 12-16% of the paper.
These two subjects were the most neglected ones since they were a part of first year and second year.B. Pharma curriculum and it is a particular notion amongst the students that one should focus more on third and final years of the course for GPAT preparation. But this notion is slowly fading away with the experience of past 2-3 years.
In PHYSICAL PHARMACY, try to emphasize more on the concepts and principle of the methods. Thus, 'X' method is applicable for the determination of 'Z'  becomes crystal clear if the concepts are understood. If anybody is not comfortable remembering concepts in English, they can try to translate the thoughts in their mother-tongue and easily remember the concepts since in GPAT or other competitive exams, our concepts, approach and perspective matters a lot instead of the language. 
The applications and the principle behind the working of a particular unit operation, process should be more focused in case of PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING.
Specific and special constants, their values with units and formulas should be memorized.
For e.g. Viscosity of water is 0.001 Pa.s,
Reynolds number is a dimensionless unit
Sieve number and their corresponding mesh aperture size are important should also be remembered.

DISPENSING PHARMACY- Calculations of dose of drug for adult, children, infants and their subsequent formulas and a few theory are important. Atleast one of the slot may contain such numerical problems.
    Here are the topic-wise books which I would like to personally recommend for particular topics. NOTE- (APPLICABLE FOR ALL THE UPCOMING POSTS INCLUDING THIS ONE) The final right to select the book for a particular subject / topic remains with the student itself according to his needs, language, understanding of the concepts and the time and money which he would like to spend.
GPAT-2015 syllabus is a bit unorganized e.g. Microbiology, pharmaceutical jurisprudence have been included in pharmaceutics section and that too just after physical pharmacy !!!!!!!!!
So I have organized the subjects on my own way of importance but the order of sub-topics remain the same as that is mentioned in the official syllabus of GPAT-2015..

The numbers indicates here the books to refer ; the list according to the numbers is provided at the bottom.


Matter, Properties of Matter- 1,2

Micromeretics and Powder Rheology- 1,3

Surface and Interfacial Phenomenon- 1,3

Viscosity and Rheology- 1

Dispersion Systems- 1,2

Complexation- 1,3

Kinetics and Drug Stability- 1,3


Prescription- 4

Pharmaceutical calculations- 5

Principles involved and procedures adopted in dispensing of :
Typical prescriptions like mixtures, solutions, emulsions, creams, ointments, powders, capsules, pastes, jellies, suppositories, ophthalmic, pastilles, lozenges, pills, lotions, liniments, inhalations,
paints, sprays, tablet triturates-  4

Incompatibilities- 4

PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING (In syllabus they have mentioned under the heading- Importance of unit operations in manufacturing, Stoichiometry)

Unit processes-2, 6, 7

Fluid Flow- 6

Heat transfer- 6

Evaporation- 6

Distillation- 6, 7

Drying- 6

Size Reduction- 6

Mixing- 6

Filtration and Centrifugation- 6, 7

Crystallization-6, 7

Dehumidification and Humidity Control- 6,7

Refrigeration and Air Conditioning- 6,7

Material of Construction- 6

Material Handling Systems-6

Corrosion- 6,7

Plant location- 6,7

Industrial Hazards and Safety Precautions- 6, 7

Automated Process Control Systems- 7


1. Patrick J. Sinko, "Martin's Physical Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences", 6th Edition, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2010.

2. Arun Bahl, B.S. Bahl, G.D. Tuli, "Essentials of Physical Chemistry", S. Chand Publishers, 2009.

3. C.V.S. Subrahmanyam, "Textbook of Physical Pharmaceutics", 2nd Edition, Vallabh Prakashan, 2000.

4. S.J. Carter, "Cooper and Gunns Dispensing For Pharmaceutical Students", 12th Edition, CBS Publishers, 2008.

5. H.C. Ansel and M.J. Stoklosa, "Pharmaceutical Calculations", Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006.

6. C.V.S. Subrahmanyam, J. Thimma Shetty, Sarasija Suresh, V. Kusum Devi, "Pharmaceutical Engineering- Principles and Practices", 1st Edition, Vallabh Prakashan, 2002.

7. K. Sambamurthy, "Pharmaceutical Engineering", 1st Edition, New Age International Publishers, 2002.

8. David B. Troy, Paul Beringer, "Remington ; The Science and Practice of Pharmacy", Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2006.

This was all for today. See you next week -10th December 2014- with the next part in which we would cover- Dosage forms, Community Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics.
Hope you would have liked this part...!!! Any kind of feedback and suggestions are most welcome to our team.
                                                                  [GPAT-2014- All India Rank (AIR)- 619)
                                                                        NIPER-JEE-2014 AIR-25 and
                                                                          ICT-BPT-CET-2014 AIR-7 ]
                                               Ist year M, Tech (Bioprocess Technology-BPT)-2014-16,
                                                      Institute of Chemical Technology, Matunga, Mumbai

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